Lioness is a beautiful fresh smelling oil, that absorbs into the skin leaving you feeling hydrated supple and super soft with no greasy residue like many others out there do. This is because we use all the best stuff to pack each bottle with 100% natural goodness so no nasties to block the pores and sit on the surface.
Use as a face oil morning and night & as a full, all over body oil. Once you have tried Lioness, you need nothing else.
This oil is a true marvel and is almost limitless. So whatever your \"into\" always be a lioness! After all, sometimes even the most reliable engines need greasing!
Essential oils, 100% cold pressed nut oils and nothing else.<\/div> ","deleted":0,"featureImageAssetRef":4491948,"updated":{"date":"2023-09-21 17:20:59.000000","timezone_type":3,"timezone":"Europe\/London"},"ref":151307,"stockTrack":0,"stockUnlimited":0,"stockWarningLevel":0,"visibility":1,"showWeight":0,"slug":"lioness-oil","primaryVariantRef":2403059,"multipleActiveVariantsWithUniquePrices":false,"productListAssetRef":4491948,"taxRef":null,"taxRate":null,"variants":[{"price":"17.00","productRef":151307,"ref":2403059,"active":true,"stock":2,"sku":"7291-151307-2403059","weight":"40.000","formattedWeight":"40.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u00a317.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}],"activeVariants":{"2403059":{"price":"17.00","productRef":151307,"ref":2403059,"active":true,"stock":2,"sku":"7291-151307-2403059","weight":"40.000","formattedWeight":"40.00","options":[]}},"tags":[],"assets":[{"ref":311808,"assetRef":4491948}],"category":null,"tax":null,"formattedPrice":"\u00a317.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"multiplePrices":false,"options":[],"defaultVariant":{"price":"17.00","productRef":151307,"ref":2403059,"active":true,"stock":2,"sku":"7291-151307-2403059","weight":"40.000","formattedWeight":"40.00","options":[],"formattedPrice":"\u00a317.00","formattedPriceInclTax":null,"cartQuantity":0}}
Lioness is a beautiful fresh smelling oil, that absorbs into the skin leaving you feeling hydrated supple and super soft with no greasy residue like many others out there do. This is because we use all the best stuff to pack each bottle with 100% natural goodness so no nasties to block the pores and sit on the surface.
Use as a face oil morning and night & as a full, all over body oil. Once you have tried Lioness, you need nothing else.
This oil is a true marvel and is almost limitless. So whatever your "into" always be a lioness! After all, sometimes even the most reliable engines need greasing!
Essential oils, 100% cold pressed nut oils and nothing else.